Sunday, October 19, 2014

Our Rawlsian Sales-Pitch to the American People

Last Wednesday, I asked you to imagine yourselves as a PR team for President Elizabeth Warren, tasked with selling to the American people a policy that would increase the estate tax and institute a financial transactions tax and, using this money, give cash to American families before the poverty line. Here are the slogans you came up with to accompany your proposals:

-Starting Line
-Freedom Funds
-It's a Hand-up, not a Hand-out
-Get By with a Little Help from My Friends
-Everybody Deserves a Chance at the American Dream
-American Dream version 2.0 - "Walk a Mile" in the shoes of the poor
-Bounce Back Initiative - freedom to thrive
-Empower Act - American Dream for all

H/t to Jennifer Liebschultz 

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