Sunday, October 19, 2014

DPI-235 Lecture 14: Capabilities Approach


Amartya Sen. “Lives, Freedoms and Capabilities” and “Capabilities and Resources,” Chapters 11 and 12 of The Idea of Justice (Harvard University Press 2009). Groups 2-3

Martha Nussbaum. “Fundamental Entitlements,” Chapter 4 of Creating Capabilities (Harvard University Press, 2011). Group 1


  1. A woman philosopher. Who would have thunk it.

  2. Female or not, I really enjoyed Nussbaum and the capability approach. I wonder however if there are a set of political principles that can become the basis for overlapping consensus without endorsing any one political doctrine. Although, I consider myself a capitalist, this piece really pushed my thinking in the realm dignity and justice. - John Garcia III
