Sunday, November 30, 2014

DPI-235 Lecture 19: Tax Policies


Richard Epstein. “Can Anyone Beat the Flat Tax,” in Should Differences in Income and Wealth Matter?, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Miller, Jr. and Jeffrey Paul (Cambridge University Press, 2002). Group 3

Liam Murphy and Thomas Nagel. “Inheritance”, Chapters 7 of The Myth of Ownership (Oxford University Press, 2002). Group 2

Edward McCaffery. “The Uneasy Case for Capital Taxation,” in Taxation, Economic Prosperity, and Distributive Justice, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Miler, Jr. and Jeffrey Paul (Cambridge Universty Press, 2006). Group 1

Daniel Shaviro. “Households and the Fiscal System,” in Taxation, Economic Prosperity, and Distributive Justice, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Miler, Jr. and Jeffrey Paul (Cambridge Universty Press, 2006). Groups 1-3

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